Scented bouquet Orange Blossom
  • Scented bouquet Orange Blossom
  • Scented bouquet Orange Blossom

Scented bouquet Orange Blossom

100 ml

With a design and qualitative bottle, find a selection of our perfumes that will be diffused in your living rooms.


Order shipped within 72 hours


Our products are paraben free


Our products are not tested on animals

  Our ingredients are from organic farming *

* between 20% and 100%

  Made in FRANCE

in Provence

Enjoy our fragrances in a new diffusion system, by capillary action.

Depending on the size of your room and the desired intensity, insert 6 to 8 rattan sticks into the bottle.

We offer refills to reuse your bottles.

And it all combines into original gift ideas.